Girls 1
55 Minutes
1st Grade & up
No experience, beginner level gymnastics class. Students work on vault, bars, beam, and floor skills.
Girls 1A
1 Hour 10 Minutes
1st Grade & up
To be eligible for this class students need to be able to complete the following: forward roll, backward roll, cartwheel, handstand, front support, cast, hit springboard correctly, and knowledge of shapes.
Girls 2
1 Hour 25 Minutes
1st Grade & up - Invitation Only
To be eligible for this class students need to be able to complete all Girls 1A skills plus the following: round-off, bridge kick over, handstand forward roll, handstand to bridge, chin-up pullover, handstand on low beam, front limber, and back walk over.
Girls 3
1 Hour 25 Minutes
2nd Grade & up - Invitation Only
To be eligible for this class students need to be able to complete all Girls 2 skills plus the following: back handspring on the floor by themselves, back-hip circle, handstand on high beam
Girls Pre-Team
1 Hour 30 Minutes
6 - 8 years old - Invitation Only
For our most advanced girls who wish to pursue a spot on the competitive team. Requires evaluation by a team coach.